

Any unsolicited commercial messages left in comments section will be replied to with great sarcasm, foul language and utter contempt.  You have been warned.

Hello, and welcome to my website!

At inception on 8th July 2017, it was a test system. I wanted to see if I could use an online virtual computer to run a Linux server, install the software packages necessary to build dynamic websites, put WordPress on and tinker with. I have assembled, almost from scratch, my own LAMP Server (Linux was preinstalled, I added the AMP parts). So, if it goes down, it is most likely my own fault.  Visit the ‘blog for the full story.

This homepage’s content is having a bit of a refresh, since a lot of what I originally said on it doesn’t hold true anymore, and the journey to here is better read in the ‘blog.  It started as (and still is) my LAMP server, hosting my WordPress site, a phpMyAdmin site, nextcloud, and more recently, OTRS as a test-bed for something that’ll happen at my place of work.  It’s been up and down more often than a sexual innuendo and has moved from the Amazon Web Services platform to a less feature-rich but cheaper, simpler OVH.co.uk service.  So technically, this is my second webserver.  Or if you count reloads, maybe my seventh or eighth.  Plus the OTRS physical server…

I still feel like this, though: