Bienvenue, je m’en fous

The purpose of this site is for me to learn how to set up a web server on Amazon’s cloud with Ubuntu preinstalled and on that install a bunch of stuff, to this end, the website you see now.

So, once Amazon’s all-free options were chosen (One core CPU, 1GB RAM, 30GB SSD space) and Amazon’s built in firewall configured to allow SSH connections (and http) , I CLI’d in to install apache2, php, mysql and a few other bits and pieces. Reading tutorials, (and rarely failing to fully understand the commands), I muddled through the basic configuration of apache and MySql and WordPress installation (I could have ticked the box that said “preconfigure my server to be a WordPress server please, thankyou very much” but I didn’t, coz that would’ve been cheating).

While trying to get it working on SSL, I discovered a free certificate issuing authority (letsencrypt, from Electronic Frontier Foundation, Mozilla Foundation, and the University of Michigan) with configuration software to ease the set-up of SSL, but unfortuately will only work if you have your own domain, not (just) a subdomain on Amazon.