
What is a site address, a domain name, a URL (an URL)?  Where does www come from?

My domain name is digitaltinker.co.uk

Apparently, it is good practice to compartmentalise all your online services into subdomains, and not have a website sat in the domain itself.  I’ve read that it helps for cookies and such like.  To this end, most websites put their content in the www subdomain and put a redirect to there from the domain.  Email servers occupy various subdomains like mail pop smtp and imap.  My NextCloud service runs from the subdomain nc.

When you type in a domain or subdomain in to your web browser, the server is contacted and it serves up the default file for that (sub)domain.  You can ask for a specific file on the server, like this page 2017/07/30/wwwhy/  When you add a specific page to the end of a (sub)domain, you have a URL or Uniform Resource Locator.  The URL for this page is www.digitaltinker.co.uk/2017/07/30/wwwhy/

When you slap an https:// at the front, you’re asking for the website’s information to be delivered securely, so while the connection is visible, the content isn’t.

So, today’s geek project has been moving my WordPress from the main domain (master domain? Dominant domain?  Domdomain!!) to the www subdomain and ensuring that all variations, with or without the www or the https land at

http s : // www . digitatinker.co.uk

I’ve also hidden the php info file in my system, and password protected it so I can view it from a browser and nobody else.  That has been my geek project of the day.

And I’ve been out for lunch and saunter and brew with friends a few towns over. Time to spend time with the fiancé methinks.


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