Custom php settings per subdomain, ‘n’ sh*t.

So, I was trying earlier to tweak my php.ini so that it acted in one way for my NextCloud, and another for WordPress, and I cracked it with a bit of web-searching.

Php.ini has one active version, and any suggestion otherwise that I’ve read online turns out to be old advice.  To apply a blend of php setting across a single server instance, hosting more than one php service requires the setting to be ON in php.ini and OFF where required in the site’s conf file, at least in my case.

NextCloud recommends opcache.enabled=1 in php.ini (which is by default disabled by being commented out) and then there’s a few more lines of opcache settings all to enable sites to preload into RAM.  Since I have just a gig of RAM, I decided I wanted to keep WordPress from doing so too.  This was achieved by adding php_flag opcache.enable Off to the conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-available QED.

But after all that, I decided to leave that opcache feature on in WordPress and NextCloud.  My top looks like this while editing on WordPress so I don’t think I need to change

KiB Mem : 1014656 total, 140700 free, 256428 used, 617528 buff/cache
KiB Swap: 2096124 total, 2003040 free, 93084 used. 514024 avail Mem

Change of topic!  I went to a WordPress user group yesterday, which was interesting – everybody there has lots more experience of building with WordPress than me but other than that, I think the general IT skills varied hugely.  It has opened my eyes to what WordPress can do and what I can do with it.  The organiser was very clued up, he presented everything well, my mind barely wandered once during the whole two hours.  They got use of a room in a local college and was free of charge.  Can’t go wrong!

He asked me how I came to know about the group.  I said I installed WordPress and it was in the News section of the dashboard 🙄

D’you like topics?  Here’s a third!

What has a hazelnut in every bite? Squirrel shit

I got my bill from Amazon for the first months usage.  It was probably atypical for what I’ll use going forward, since I’ve done two wipe-and-reloads of my server.  As I think I mentioned before, the tiny cost of 4p for briefly storing a snapshot of my server was dwarfed by the whopping £1.03 charge for downloading my NextCloud data , at 9p per GB after the first 5GB.  Including VAT.

My next project is investigating tighter security and other plugins on WP.  Configuring it as an email server is another day yet.

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